An unschooled man who knows how to meditate upon the Lord has learned far more than the man with the highest education who does not know how to meditate.

Charles Stanley
Some Similar Quotes
  1. A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her. - Oscar Wilde

  2. Most men claim to desire driven, independent and confident women. Yet when confronted with such a creature reverence often evolves into resent. For just like women, men need to be needed. - Tiffany Madison

  3. It's good to let God pick a man for you. We don't do so well when we pick them ourselves. They end up lipsticks in a drawer, all those wrong colors you thought looked so good in the package. - Deb Caletti

  4. The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too - Vincent Van Gogh

  5. A gentleman holds my hand. A man pulls my hair. A soulmate will do both. - Alessandra Torre

More Quotes By Charles Stanley
  1. I certainly respect other people's opinions, but I would not vote for a woman to be the pastor of a church.

  2. There is only one secure foundation: a genuine, deep relationship with Jesus Christ, which will carry you through any and all turmoil. No matter what storms are raging all around, you'll stand firm if you stand on His love.

  3. You can't tell a woman who is called by God to teach that she cannot teach the Word of God... So I think the distinction is that there's a difference between the authority of a pastor and a Bible teacher.

  4. The Scriptures contain many stories of people who waited years or even decades before the Lord's promises came to pass. What modern believers can learn from the patience of biblical saints like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Paul is that waiting upon the Lord has eternal...

  5. On Sunday morning, I'm not nervous... I can't wait to tell what God wants me to say.

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